Well it seems we just stay busy and have absolutely no time to do anything... including blog. Last week (May 12-16) JB was in Texas for work. And if you know me at all... you know I do not stay by myself.... dogs and 15mth olds do not constitute people in that scenario. So... Alli J saves the Day! :) or i guess week.
Monday I started my first online classes for my graduate degree at Georgia Southern. So far... So good... Do I sound smarter already... yea right.... I am taking 3 classes right now (Education Research, Children’s Literature and Instructional Design). I am planning on being finished with the degree in December of 2009. :)
We have also gone swimming several times this week. Ryleigh enjoyed playing outside in the water hose on Sunday also as JB was bathing the dogs.
Ryleigh is almost finished with our antibiotic. But we think she is starting to pull on her ear again. (No not due to swimming, we don’t get water in our ears.... I know someone is thinking it....) So we may make a trip to the doctor again before long. More on that when/if it happens.
I only have 2 more 'real' days of school left with students, then 3 work days next week. We have been counting down the days for months and can’t wait for them to be up! My plans for the summer include schoolwork, playing with Ryleigh, sleeping late and lying out. (not necessarily in that order). haha.
Well hope you enjoy the few pics I am going to post. I will try to update more soon!
Good luck with school! I see Little Miss R is already enjoying some summer activities? I can't wait to get J in a swimsuit...should be interesting with all of her rolls. haha.
Y'all are busier than we are!! It's kinda sad though, cause our babies grow up so much faster when we're so busy, ya know! Looks like y'all are having a blast though! Good luck with your online classes!
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