Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where she sleeps....

So this afternoon, Ryleigh would not lay down for her nap. I tried everything. I eventually took my pillow to her room and laid down beside her bed. Well then she wanted to lay with me (and then get in her bed, then lay with me, and so on). I got up and kissed her goodnight and said I am going to my room. You are going to stay in here (the baby gate was up) and you are going to take a nap. I dont care what you do, but you are going to take a nap. It had been about 10 min and she got quiet, I thought to myself....finally! I stuck my head in her room and she came running, she was rocking in her rocking chair. So I said where are you suppose to be and she ran to her bed. I told her goodnight and went back to my room. The baby monitor is in there and I can hear her best there. So I must have dozed off for about 10 min and the phone rang and woke me up. I found it odd, that I had not heard Ryleigh talking like she normally does when the phone rings, I get up go and check on her...... and this is where I find her.


Ida B. Goddard said...

i love it!! just pass out where you can! Nolan has fell asleep sitting straight up waiting for me to put him in bed. kids crack me up!

Tiffany said...

This is one funny post! Looking forward to all that's to come. :-)

The Brooks Family said...

awwwww, that's so sweet. We are still struggling with where Logan sleeps and his is almost five! I know...... uuuggghhhh!!!! This is one issue that I am not very strict with him about. As long as he sleeps I could care less where he does it (within reason). So now he's going through a phase where he wants to sleep somewhere different every single night. Fun for him but NOT FOR ME!!! So the past few weeks we have gone from his big boy bed in his room, elmo baby bed, tent in his room, the guest room, sleeping bag on the floor and finally back to his big boy bed in his own room. He is driving me NUTS!!!! At least he knows he's NOT sleeping in between us anymore. Nobody gets any rest when that happens!!!
I hope she gets used to her big girl bed soon. I know how hard it is when you are tired and can't get them to rest. My fingers are crossed =)

The Partins said...

that is hilarious!

Stephanie Rider said...

I remember when we converted Austin's crib at around the same age. We'd have to put him back like 20 times before he would stay. Needless to say it was exhausting. Sleep has always been an issues with my boys though. Austin didn't consistently sleep through the night until he was 2 and Logan is still up every 3-4 hours right now. I just don't have babies that sleep!